
Welcome Beginners! Please join any class but please read the class description first to make sure that it pertains to your activity level.

Yoga 101 for Everyone
Whether you are beginner or advanced, join Yoga 101 each week to practice classical hatha yoga routines and gain a deeper knowledge of your yoga practice.

In Hatha Yoga we utilize yogic breathing to relax, sun salutations to warm up, and a logical sequence of poses to build strength, balance and flexibility.

Optional homework will be given if you are on the path to becoming a Yoga Teacher through the Veda Lila School of Yoga or are already a Yoga Teacher and need continuing education credits through Yoga Alliance. Please contact Johanna for more information.

Yoga for All
Explore Hatha postures with slight variations and props to accommodate all levels of yoga students. Prenatal Yogis are welcome to this class, please contact Johanna to let her know how far along in your pregnancy you are.

Traditional Hatha Yoga
A classical and wholistic approach to yoga that stretches and tones the whole body. Practice yogic breathing to relax, sun salutations to warm up, and a sequence of poses to build strength, balance and flexibility. Hatha Yoga gives the opportunity to work slowly and methodically over time to eventually explore the full expression of the yoga postures. This is an active and joyful class filled with happy yogis who are always welcoming.

Bliss Hatha Flow
Enjoy a strong, mindful, set sequenced flow, so that you can dive deeply into yourself and your practice.

Power Yoga/Half Primary
Power Yoga cultivates strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance. We begin with an exploration of Sun Salutations A & B and then mindfully practice a set sequence of yoga poses based off of the half primary series.

26 & 2 Yoga
Explore 26 poses and build your strength, balance, and flexibility while sweating it out in a room with the air conditioning set at around 80 degrees. This class is a set series, pose by pose class, allowing you to advance into deeper expressions of the 26 yoga poses over time.

Specialty Classes

Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal Yoga focuses on nurturing mother and baby by gently building strength and flexibility. Practitioners will experience a gentle warm up, an exploration of yoga poses that are modified for pregnancy, and a gentle warm down with restorative poses. Yogic breathing and relaxation techniques will be practiced to help soothe the mind and body.

Stretch and Restore
Stretch and Restore focuses on gentle stretches and 40 minutes of Restorative and Gentle Yin postures using bolsters, blocks, and blankets to help heal the effects of chronic stress due to our fast pace and busy lives.
Take a time out and treat yourself to this peaceful class.

Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is a slow, soothing, and meditative style of yoga that targets the deep connective tissues, fascia, and ligaments in the body through passive stretching. Yin offers the chance to be still, be present, and relax within while you stretch holding supported poses from 2 to 5 minutes.
Johanna has multiple certifications in Yin Yoga. She was first certified by Laura Gushin, E-RYT-500 and Lyman Zobell , E-RYT-500. Johanna then went on to complete Bernie Clark’s 50HR Yoga Teacher Training in Yin Yoga.

Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga helps heal the effects of chronic stress due to our fast paced and busy lives. In Restorative Yoga, the focus is not on stretching or strengthening but on releasing. We release tension in the muscles and gently stimulate the organs through long-held poses designed to support and comfort by using a variety of props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, sandbags, and eye pillows. Restorative Yoga enhances our healing capacity through helping us regulate the stress response and re-balance the nervous system.

Yoga Nidra ~ Guided Relaxation
Yoga Nidra, known as yogic sleep, is a deep relaxation technique and a form of meditation. Supported in a comfortable resting position, we scan the body to consciously relax our physical form and turn the awareness inward by listening to guided imagery.

Sound Bath
An immersion into the beautiful sounds and vibrations of singing bowls that are healing for your body, mind and spirit.